Our precious, beautiful little girl,
We miss you so very, very much as I am sure you know.  It isn't getting any easier and you have left a huge, huge hole in our lives.  You are in our thoughts constantly and we wonder where you are now and if you are happy.  We want to believe so much that you are in heaven and watching down on us, but sometimes its hard to accept.  We know you are no longer suffering and that you are peaceul now, but we miss you so terribly and nothing makes it OK that you are not here with us, in our arms.  What we would give for one more cuddle.
Daddy and I love you so much.  We are so proud of you and you are always our precious little girl.  Our little munchie.  You should be here now, enjoying Christmas lights and crawling around, exploring. Smiling your beautiful smile.
Instead our hearts are breaking and we ache for you.  We ache to hold you and protect you and give you all our love.
Your Birthday is close and how we wish you were here to enjoy it.
We love you our darling daughter.  We just wanted to let you know.